10 Things You Should Never Say to Your Coworkers

Time Of Info By TOI Staff   November 11, 2022   Update on : November 11, 2022

10 Things You Should Never Say to Your Coworkers

It is very important to behave yourself to get similar feedback from your coworker. Don’t forget: “Courtesy begets courtesy”. You should be nice to your coworkers as they deserve it as team members. You must respect your colleagues and give attention to them. Never ask any awkward questions to any of your coworkers. If you treat your coworkers respectfully they will value the relationship. A friendly atmosphere can ensure a positive work culture in your office. If people don’t show a friendly and positive approach to others, they will be counted as unprofessional in the job sector. You must keep in mind that you can’t ask anything or everything from your coworkers. Let’s see what you should never say to your coworkers.

10 Things You Should Never, Ever Tell Your Coworkers!

  1. Don’t ask for money:

Asking for money from a coworker is very awkward. It is very shameful for both. If you want to borrow some money you should go to your friends or family members first. It will give a negative impression to your coworker if you ask for money from him or her.

  1. Don’t ask for gossip:

Your workplace is not a club or park where you can start gossiping. It would not be sober if you ask your coworker for gossip. He or she might have some work to do and it would be embarrassing for that person to tell you no. Moreover, this habit will present you as a less important team member. You need to work attentively at your workplace.

  1. Don’t request to do any dishonest task:

You should remember that honesty is the best policy. You should not do any dishonest task or ask any of your coworkers to do so. It will destroy your social image and acceptance. Successful people consider their work as their worship. You should never request your coworker to do any unfair work.

  1. Don’t repeat the same thing again and again:

You should be very calculative when you talk to your coworker. It is a must that you need to give instructions, suggestions, or opinions to your teammate at work. But, don’t repeat the same thing again and again. It will be very monotonous to your coworker and you will be considered a boring person then.

  1. Don’t comment on anyone’s dress or body:

It is very demeaning to make any comment on anyone’s dress or body. You should never say your coworker that he or she is looking fat or thin. Don’t say this dress doesn’t suit you or the black dress doesn’t suit you. One’s dress or body shape is very personal and it is not sober to make any comment on these particular issues.

  1. Don’t say stupid things:

Your talk to your coworker needs to be very rational. You should never say anything absurd, which can offend him/her. None will listen to you or take you seriously if you do this practice at your workplace. Your behavior is very important to be a successful one in the job sector. You must try to act professionally.

  1. Don’t ask your colleague is pregnant:

It is very unusual to ask your coworker if she is pregnant or not. Such things are very private and unwise to ask anyone unless she tells you. To be honest, it should not be your cup of tea. You should not be judgmental too early.

  1. Is there any job opportunity:

Your coworker is not a job provider. Don’t ask him/her for a new job. If you are not satisfied with your present one you can look for a new one. But, asking for a job from your coworker is not nice.

  1. Don’t ask any personal questions:

My personal life and professional life are completely different. You should not share personal things with your colleagues. And you should never ask any personal questions from your coworker. It is unprofessional.

  1. Don’t be rude:

Your workplace is not a place for making enemies. You should come up with a positive and cool mind. You need to be nice to your coworkers. Never shout at anyone. You should keep in mind that no one is a slave. You should not be rude to your coworkers.


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