What to Look for When Buying a New Gaming Desktop?

Time Of Info By TOI Staff   December 16, 2022   Update on : December 16, 2022

Gaming Desktop

The world of computers is constantly changing, and the gaming industry is no exception. If you’ve ever been in the market for a new computer, many factors can make or break your experience.

From graphics cards to processors and everything in between, these little details can significantly impact how your new machine performs when playing games! Here’s what we recommend looking out for when shopping around for a gaming desktop:


Lighting is one of the essential features when buying a new gaming computer. It can improve performance and make your room look more attractive, adding flair to the overall experience.

In addition, lighting will help you keep track of what’s going on in-game without any issues or distractions from outside sources, such as sunlight or other lights that might otherwise be present if a computer case or desk lamp didn’t cover them up.

Laptops vs. Desktops

When it comes to gaming, laptops are the better choice. They’re more portable and generally easier to carry around than desktops, so you can take them wherever you go. And if necessary, they’ll fit in your bag or car without any problem.

Desktops have their place in PC gaming, but they could be better for getting things done while playing games. You won’t be able to use an external keyboard with one, nor will it handle multiple monitors well.

Plus, many people like having access to multiple monitors when working on their computers: one monitor is for browsing social media sites. At the same time, another shows what’s happening inside the game itself! For these reasons alone, I recommend going with laptops over desktops when looking into buying one next time around.

Graphics Cards

The graphics card is an essential part of your gaming computer. It’s what powers all of your favorite games, so you want to ensure you get the best one possible.

There are various types and sizes available, so it’s essential to research before buying one. You may also have questions about which brand or model is better or whether you should prioritize performance over price when shopping for new cards.


CPUs are the brains of your gaming computer, and they process all the data. They tell other parts of your computer what to do, like handle a game’s graphics or read data from an external device like a hard drive.

CPUs come in two main types: Intel and AMD (Advanced Micro Devices). Most gamers will want an Intel processor because they’re more expensive but better suited for gaming than their AMD counterparts.

Intel processors are better for gaming because they have higher clock speeds and more cores. They also have the advantage of being compatible with all the latest tech, including USB 3.0 ports and DDR4 RAM.

Storage space

Storage space is measured in gigabytes or terabytes. A terabyte is 1,000 gigabytes, and a gigabyte is 1 million bytes, so you can use those numbers to get an idea of how much storage space you need for your gaming computer.

If you want to play games online, more storage will be needed since the game files take up a lot of space. If this doesn’t worry you too much, buying new hard drives for external devices may work well for expanding your computer’s capacity without investing in an entirely new build from scratch, as we did here!


If you’re looking for a gaming computer, RAM will be one of the first things in your search. RAM stands for short-term memory and can also be referred to as memory.

It’s basically how much information your computer keeps on screen at once. RAM is much faster than hard drive storage but is also more expensive.

The more RAM you have, the better off you’ll be in performance and responsiveness when using any given program or game. This means that, if possible, go with 16 GB  or higher, especially since most games today take up less than 8 GB!

Screen size, resolution, and refresh rate

Screen size, resolution, and refresh rate are the three main factors you should pay attention to when buying a new gaming computer.

A larger screen means more room for your games, but it also means that you may need to raise or lower your chair slightly to see them clearly on the net. If you have trouble seeing things clearly on smaller displays, consider getting an upgrade.

The resolution of a monitor refers to how many pixels there are per inch (PPI). The higher this number is, the sharper and clearer images can be seen when playing games.

However, remember that higher resolutions require more graphics processing power than lower ones. If you’re looking for maximum performance out of your rig, consider buying something more modestly priced instead!

The refresh rater will help you describe what kind of refresh rate each particular model offers without being redundant.

Peripherals and Input Devices

The keyboard has to be comfortable for your hands, and the mouse should be able to move smoothly across the surface, so you don’t have to strain yourself while playing games. You’ll also need a monitor that has enough resolution for what you want it to do.

If there’s one thing we can’t live without, it’s music! So make sure they’re loud enough, so their sound doesn’t get drowned out by other sources going off. At the same time, you don’t want anyone laughing at how badly they are against other players online. No one could hear them properly over all those explosions happening during gameplay sequences onscreen.

New gaming computers have a lot of new features to offer for both casual and hardcore gamers.

New gaming computers have a lot of new features to offer for both casual and hardcore gamers. The most important thing to consider is whether your new computer has enough RAM.

If you’re playing games that require lots of memory, such as Steam games or Counter-Strike, then you’ll want to make sure your computer has enough RAM so that it doesn’t get bogged down by all the data being processed in real time.

Another feature that may be necessary for some people is the amount of hard drive space available on their new machine. This will depend on how much storage they need and the type of files they plan to save onto their system.

For example, if someone wants an SSD (solid state drive) but only has a little money left over after buying everything else, such as an SSD upgrade kit. In that case, they can purchase solid-state drives separately instead of installing them into their existing system during installation.


Hopefully, this guide has helped you to get a better idea of what to look for when buying a new gaming computer. With so many new features and options available today, it can take time to know where to start! There are plenty of other resources out there that will help you find the perfect gaming rig for yourself or your friends.


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