How to Become an Exam Topper: Tips to follow

Time Of Info By TOI Desk Report   February 20, 2022   Update on : March 13, 2022

How to become an exam topper

In the education system, we learn and grow, exams play a crucial role to make students analyze their knowledge, see their progress and complete their academic courses successfully, and get promoted to the next ones. And therefore all students aim to score high in exams and become toppers of their course.

While some win this race while some lag behind too. And this difference is created because of a lack of effectiveness and inappropriate learning patterns. But nothing to worry about. You can correct yourself from now onwards. Let us discuss some of the tips that learners can follow to become exam toppers.

Topper learning tips

1. Start studying from day one itself

Many students have a habit to start learning and preparing when exams are too near. In such a time you can’t prepare your syllabus that well, also you won’t get the time to carry out effective revisions. And this will obstruct you from topping the exams with high scores. To avoid this happening to you, remember to start studying from the first academic class itself. Always keep your classroom learning and self-study going hand in hand to meet your aim of scoring the most in exams.

2. Use tech to learn

Today technology has increased the work effectiveness of all and the same goes with learning. To prepare better, understand the concepts more, and have good practice, using technology will surely help. By using the mobile teacher app, students can access audiovisual aids like educational videos, picture cards, modules, PowerPoint presentations, visual notes, sample papers, and more to score more in the exams.

3. Solve question papers

To top the exams, having a proper idea of the format and type of the exam is important. And in this regard, solving sample papers and previous year papers will surely help. To check what type of questions are asked, the format, and to check how much you know and what more needs to be done for scoring full in the exams, students must solve and practice related question papers.

Tips to remember while giving the exam

  1. Attempt the paper neatly

Even after knowing the right answers, sometimes students are not able to top the exams because they make their answer sheet look untidy and unclear for the teachers to check. When there is overwriting, a lot of cuttings, messy answers, no gap, and steps, the answers become confusing and difficult for teachers to check.

Hence all students must remember to write neatly. Always remember to leave a line or two in between before moving to the next question. Also, write in steps. Avoid cutting and instead of scribbling, make one cut. This will make your answer sheet look more presentable and help in scoring high in exams.

  1. Revise your answer sheet

Whether giving the exam via an online classroom app or in conventional classrooms, make sure that you check and revise what you have written on your answer sheets. Attempt the paper at a good speed so that you get enough time to revise. Many times you lose marks and lag in the topper race because of making silly mistakes in the exam and not checking them. To prevent this from happening with you, make sure to revise your answer sheets before submitting them to the invigilator.

  1. Stay focused on your paper only

Several times, distractions can become one of the main reasons behind losing marks in the exam. All students must try to stay focused on their papers only. Don’t choose to help others and any other cheating means. Your all effectiveness preparation will become a waste if you get caught in any such false means.

Hence all students must remember to stay focused on their paper only. Don’t see here and there, just keep reading the questions, thinking, and writing. This will surely help to not miss anything and write the best and most accurate answers to the questions being asked.


All students aim to score more in exams and become course toppers. But some accomplish this while some are not able to do so, not because of a lack of potential but because of lack of the right learning habits and ways to attempt a paper. But since every problem has a solution, the above-mentioned tips will surely help learners in this regard. We also mentioned a few tips that you must consider and focus on while attempting the exams.


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