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Time Of Info By TOI Desk Report   July 25, 2022   Update on : July 25, 2022

times square bill boards
Photo taken from Freepik.

It’s 2022 and the billboard scape is constantly changing. That is why your business must constantly adapt, innovate, and stay in touch with trends to assure maximum visibility and return. But today you need more because as social media teaches us: it is bad to be left at SEEN, you have to drive action and engage your audience.

Enter the rich and diverse territory of Digital Out of Home. Where every click you make is a new possibility unfettered by the constraints associated with the traditional medium. This turbo-charged channel offers an infinite number of ways to reach, connect and entertain a consumer audience.

This is what DOOH can do for you:

1. Make the technology work for you.

Digital billboards are the screens of choice for today’s world. They are a connected, reactive, live, and interactive medium that enables you to reach the broadest of audiences, all while giving you the creative freedom to make messages tailored to your target’s truest desires.

Digital billboards can display your vision in whatever manner you choose be it: linear, dynamic, interactive, or experiential. Digital Out of Home is your playground. Use it wisely. Be creative and make the most of all it has to offer.

DOOHs are made for dynamic campaigns, reflecting real-world events in real-life environments, on a global scale. Campaigns can also be highly targeted, even down to your gender and mood. They can also utilize a multitude of interactive technologies from touch, gesture, to AR, NFC, and mobile integration.

2. Go integrated!

Think of DOOHs not only as part of the bigger picture of your campaign, but as the big picture which can make all your communications shine in a cluttered market. Digital billboards are the driver of any multi-layered campaign, by becoming the active element and centerpiece which glues it all. The medium is designed to generate buzz, create breaking news, drive interaction, and fill the feed with content and discussions.

Go full 360, add digital billboards to your campaign and discover the fourth most important screen beside your TV, your phone, and your computer. And if you’re wondering how much does a Times Square billboard cost, it’s certainly more affordable than you can imagine and it surely worth the investment.

3. Discover a new meaning of scale.

Need to reach global audiences in one push? DOOH is the way to go.

Digital billboards offer the diversity, interactivity, and technological complexity to deliver multi-layered campaigns to audiences far and beyond. It’s a medium of infinite possibilities which enables your creativity to skyrocket. Couple these benefits with lightning-fast connectivity and tap into a world of opportunities for your business.

Hyperlocal or global, where you see is where you reach when you have the versatility and technical possibility of DOOH networks with access to virtually anywhere.

4. Make Context count!

If you have a good idea, a Digital Out of Home campaign can make it shine. Take full advantage of the medium’s bold, high-impact presence to unleash fresh, evolving creative campaigns which are in tune with your audience’s mindset and fit any context.

DOOH is a growing segment, studies show that digital inventory has increased by 30% in the last two years. Why? Because it uses everything the context has to offer in a meaningful, engaging way for the target. Imagine being able to use time of day, weather conditions, GPS, live responses, and more to realize the full extent of DOOH possibilities.

All you need to start is a data-led strategy and a set of solid creative assets to drive your message home in a spectacular, future proof way.

DOOH creates an ad ecosystem that assures your campaign stays relevant across multiple locations and conditions.

5. Go from dream to screen with the power of CONTENT

DOOH makes your idea come to life because it employs dynamic content.

Dynamic content is a type of content that uses data to design experiences with impact and relevance for your potential customers. The most impressive feature of digital billboards is delivering dynamic content in the form of static, motion or video which changes according to a preset trigger or condition.

Imagine it’s a rainy day and someone walks by a digital billboard with an ad for hot coffee. And as soon as the rain stops, the sun exits and the billboard changes to an ad for an ice-cold frappe.

Dynamic DOOH campaigns offer the possibility for endless triggers. Everything from weather data to financial marketing data, to sports results, to on-location visual sensors can influence the content appearing on your digital billboard. This way content shifts and shapes itself for a more relevant and engaging experience for both brands and consumers.


If those 5 insider tips didn’t convince you already, maybe the research will. Studies show that 93% of people are more likely to purchase your solution if you deliver a more personalized experience which DOOH enables. Moreover, we live in the era of the lowest attention span in history where street-level DOOH is noticed by 52% of viewers.

Are you ready to give Digital Out of Home a shot? We hope to see your campaign on a digital billboard for maximum results.  


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