Reduce Plastic Use to Save The World
By Imran Ali
January 10, 2023
Update on : January 10, 2023
The use of plastic is very harmful to the world. Single-use plastic is the worst among all as the growing number of use creates a shocking impact on the environment. Single-use plastic is used for a short time, but its impact on society remains for centuries. Marine life is the worst victim of plastic use. The land, water, and air are getting affected due to the impact of excessive plastic use. Plastic pollution also carries diseases to the human body. Animals are also affected due to plastic use. It is very important to reduce the use of plastic for a better and more livable world.
Let’s see 7 ways to reduce plastic use.
Reduce personal care plastic waste:
You can start reducing the use of plastic in your care items. You can easily choose a wooden comb instead of a plastic comb. You can try a reusable metal razor instead of plastic made one. It will last long and hardly put a bad effect on the environment. You can swap out your plastic toothbrush with a wooden one. Do you know how to recycle plastic bottles easily?
Reduce plastics in cleaning products:
You can use natural sponges or clothes to wipe tables or wash dishes. Plastic scrubbers are harmful to the environment. On the other hand, clothes are safe in terms of pollution. You can keep a detergent box and refill it when it is needed. Don’t use one-time plastic gloves as you need plenty of them for cleaning purposes. Avoid using wet wipes as it is a kind of sneaky plastic.
Focus on reuse and recycling:
Recycling is the best way to get rid of unnecessary plastic use. Single-use plastic can emerge as a threat to nature. Many people are very reluctant to reuse items that can easily be reused. Reusing or recycling will not only keep the environment pollution-free but also saves you money. So, you must try it from now on.
Cut down your dining plastic:
Using disposable plastic bottles has become a trend for many of us. Moreover, designed plastic plates, knives, forks, spoons, and bowls have taken place of ceramic and other dining products. We need to be very careful about using plastic products as they are harmful to us. It is wise to cut down the plastic use at dining. It is not a big deal as you can start it by avoiding a straw to drink any drinks. You can carry a travel mug or cutlery while traveling.
Bring your jute or paper bag:
It is very common to carry any products in a plastic bag to home from the shop. You just throw the poly bag or plastic bag after one use. The practice can be changed if you carry a jute bag with you while shopping. You can use a jute bag more than a hundred times. It is also environment-friendly.
Wear non-plastic products:
There are so many wearable products that are made of plastic. Try to wear non-plastic products to save the world. Switching from disposable to cloth diapers can even make a big difference as they make up a huge quantity of non-biodegradable waste in landfills. You should choose clothes made of fabrics like cotton, wool, hemp, and silk.
Avoid plastic baby toys:
You can buy wooden and natural baby toys for your kids. Babies often put the toys in their mouths. So, a non-plastic toy would be safer to play with for kids. Although it is hard to cut down the use of plastic, try to live a less plasticky life for a better tomorrow. You can give your babies colored pencils and paper instead of plenty of plastic toys.