Sue Gray’s Report is Quite Enough Bring to an End Leadership of Boris Johnson

Time Of Info By TOI Desk Report   April 25, 2022   Update on : April 25, 2022

Boris Johnson
Boris Johnson

An official has stated that Sue Gray’s investigation into the lockdown-breaking parties in Downing Street and Whitehall will be so embarrassing that Boris Johnson may have to quit.

The senior government servant’s probe will be released once the Metropolitan Police Department has finished issuing penalties and conducting its investigation. The force has stated that it will not provide information on penalties issued until after the May 5 municipal elections.

Gray’s complete report, according to a senior official, is excoriating and will make things exceedingly tough for the prime minister.

There’s a lot of pressure on Sue Gray, her report might be enough to bring him down. No official has ever been in this position before, According to the source.

Johnson had already received a £50 fixed penalty notice for attending a birthday celebration in violation of coronavirus restrictions in place at the time, which he had publicly publicized.

Several Tory backbenchers has asked for Johnson to resign as a result of the row. Nonetheless, despite the penalties and increasing political pressure, he has refused to quit.

The Met imposed further penalties to officials who attended a bring your own booze party on Friday. Johnson acknowledged to attending the event as well, although Downing Street stated that he had not yet received a fine for it.

Gray produced an exploratory report at the end of January that was implicitly critical of Johnson, citing “breakdowns of leadership and judgment by various areas of No 10 and the Cabinet Office at various periods.”

According to a report, the PM’s detractors have begun to work together and are waiting for the results of the local elections or further FPNs to come in Mr. Johnson’s email.

According to the article, several rebels have drafted no-confidence letters to be presented all at once to the 1922 Committees of backbench Tory MPs if the party suffers a defeat in the polls on May 5. Mr. Dowden has acknowledged that the council elections would be difficult.


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