Twitter Users Discover the Meaning Behind their Names in the Urban Dictionary
By TOI Desk Report
November 23, 2021
Update on : November 23, 2021
Recently, Twitter has found a new trending topic is Urban Dictionary, which users make fun with. People discover the secret meaning behind their names through the Urban Dictionary and also get to know the origin of their identity from far-flung countries.
The social media platform has risen to prominence again after several posts from users from somewhere. Crowdsourced slang dictionary is not a name-calling website for the curious.
What is the Urban Dictionary Trend on Twitter All About?
#UrbanDictionary Meanings of Time
— Time of Info (@timeofinfo) November 23, 2021
Urban Dictionary Trends spread across Twitter. Through the website, you can check your name and certain definitions of your personality.
You do not need to download any more applications to access Urban Dictionary. Simply put, all you have to do is go to and enter your name. Across Twitter, people are sharing what they get from the website.
What is Urban Dictionary?
The Urban Dictionary is a “crowdsourced online dictionary for harsh words and phrases that are not usually found in the general dictionary.” Founded by Aaron Peckham in 1999, its motto is Define Your World. Peckham is said to have launched the site to compare urban slander used by university students in different parts of California.
“ Show us your name on @urbandictionary “
— Adam Richman (@AdamRichman) November 23, 2021
It is now reported that around 2,000 words are added every day, by 2020 the definition of the site has exceeded at least 12 million.
He later claimed to have created the platform as a parody of the actual dictionary, which “Stuffy” and “take themselves very seriously.” One of the first definitions of the site was “man”, which defined the site as “the face of the installation to bring us down”.
In addition, if your name has a biblical equivalent meaning, you will immediately see many definitions if you use other websites. You can also read more about the top 5 causes of Global warming.
Instead of giving you a direct derivation of your name, the Urban Dictionary dives in a more specific way. In short, your name “Ted” could mean someone who smiles every time and who gets fat and thin.