Top 5 Things Expats MUST Do Before Leaving Their Home Country

Time Of Info By TOI Desk Report   July 19, 2022   Update on : July 19, 2022

5 Things Expats MUST Do Before Leaving Their Home Country

Moving abroad seems to be something very complicated, long, and difficult. It is necessary to collect a lot of documents, obtain a residence permit, and somehow resolve the issue of housing, working, studying for children, etc. But if you have a clear plan for moving to another country, where each item has detailed instructions on what, when, and how to do it, everything immediately becomes easier. If you are just thinking about changing citizenship, here are the main things to think about before leaving your home country.

5 Things You Should Do Before You Move Abroad

1) Language

Another important point is the language. When you have chosen which country to move to, look for the language courses available or contact the native speakers. You will definitely have to learn a new language in order to live comfortably in a new place. Of course, you will be able to call your relatives abroad, but it will not replace live communication. By the way, calling Cuba is cheap with Yolla app.

Analyze how easy it is for you to study the language of your destination country. Is it too complicated? For example, Iceland is a small, friendly, and prosperous country, where many people would certainly like to move. But Icelandic is recognized as one of the most difficult languages ​​in the world to pronounce. Some countries require migrants to take language exams, which makes this point even more important.


2) Finances

How to start moving to another country? First, you should assess your real capabilities. Do you have enough savings for at least 3-6 months, if you cannot work, because you are settling the last formalities with relocation? Will it be easy for you to find a job or continue to develop your business in a new place? If you work remotely, then this greatly simplifies things, but will there be enough income from remote work in your country for a comfortable life in Switzerland?

3) Local laws

The next essential step is to study local laws. When moving to another country, it is imperative to know how to obtain a residence permit. What is the procedure? How long does it take? What financial guarantees should you provide, because the authorities of many states are afraid of getting an additional burden on the budget? All these aspects should be considered in advance. You should keep reading about advice for staying within your budget while traveling.

4) Housing

Next, you need to take care of renting or buying a house. Here it is worth remembering the possibility of obtaining a residence permit and citizenship for investment. This is very convenient because, when buying property in Portugal or Montenegro, you immediately solve two problems – provide your family with housing and get a residence permit. In addition, after a few years, you can sell the villa or cottage and get your investment back with a profit.


5) Education

Another important issue is the education of children. It is also worth thinking about the kindergarten, school, or college to send your children to in advance. In some educational institutions, you need to apply several years in advance, while it can take the same amount of time just to understand the nuances of the local education system. Keep reading to learn about top 10 secret places on the earth prohibited for travelers.


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