10 Exotic Fruits That are Found Only in Asia

Time Of Info By Ashley Shoptorshi Samaddar   June 4, 2023   Update on : June 4, 2023

Exotic Fruits

Tasty, fleshy, packed with flavor, and rich in dietary fibers, fruits play an important role in maintaining a healthy and well-rounded diet. They are also a great source of energy-sustaining nutrients like vitamins and minerals.

While some fruits are native only to certain parts of the world, others can be found in grocery stores all over the globe.

Asia, due to its tropical climate, is home to many exotic fruits that not just look amazing but also taste as good as they look, if not better.

So, unwind, because we’re going on a trip to find the most out-of-this-world fruits Asia has to offer!

Discover the Uniqueness of Asian Exotic Fruits: 10 Exclusive Varieties


Rambutan is #1 on our list of recommended fruits. This lychee-like fruit, which grows naturally in Southeast Asia is the national fruit of Malaysia. The name ‘rambutan’ is derived from the Malay word ‘rambut’ which means “hair”, echoing the prickly skin of the fruit.

Rambutan has a sweet and sour taste on the inside, and the flesh is tender and juicy. Because of its grape-like consistency, it works well in both blended drinks and fruit salads.


Next in line is the ‘King of Fruits’ durian. Native to Malaysia and the national fruit of Indonesia is known for its strong flavor and texture.

Despite being a local delicacy to tourists traveling to Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia, durian has to opt for a very restricted public appearance due to its pungent natural flavour which some love while many find its smell unbearable.

Durian, a fruit with a notoriously unpleasant aroma, is widely utilised in Asian cooking and confectionery despite its unappealing taste. Its smooth consistency and subtle sweetness set it apart from other fruits.


Jackfruits, the national fruit of Bangladesh, are now grown on a large scale throughout the Indian subcontinent.

Some jackfruits may weigh up to 100 pounds, making them one of the world’s heaviest fruits. It’s a common alternative for meat in vegetarian recipes because of its sweet, fruity taste and chewy texture.

Both the ripe and unripe varieties of jackfruit have unique tastes and are common on the table in humble households as it is a cheap, tasty, and nutritious substitute for meat.


Mangosteen, the national fruit of Thailand, is another unusual fruit with its origins rooted in Southeast Asia. Its appealing purple skin and sweet tangy taste is similar to grapes, making it one of the few fruits that are cherished worldwide by foodies.

Legend has it that Queen Victoria had announced an award of a 100 pounds sterlings to anyone who could bring her this fruit.

Some Asian countries use mangosteen it in traditional medicine because of its purported anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer effects.

Dragon Fruit

The beautiful dragon fruit, sometimes called Pitaya, has its origins in Mexico but is now planted extensively in Asia.

Alongside the outlook of the fruit which resembles a dragon’s appearance, the inside of the fruit can be found to be white or magenta, with seeds in the form of black polka dots which further enhances the fruit’s beauty.

Dragon Fruit has a sweet kiwi-like texture and is widely used in salads and drinks.


Sweet, tangy, and filled with flavor, Lychee is found in Bangladesh, Thailand, Malaysia, and China. Its unique fleshy texture paired with its amazing jell-like appearance when peeled to eat is amazing.

Its rough, crimson surface and sweet, juicy core often encourages its taster to compare it with grapes, only to find lychee better and sweeter. Lychee is a favorite fruit during the Chinese New Year and is often used in sweets and drinks.


The kumquat, a little citrus fruit unique to Southeast Asia, is a delicious treat. It tastes somewhat like an orange and has thin, edible skin.

Kumquats may be eaten whole or sliced and are often used in preserves and marmalades.


Starfruit, sometimes called Carambola, is an exotic fruit that originated in that region of Asia. The star-shaped food is both visually striking and delicious. Salads, smoothies, and drinks all benefit from the addition of starfruit, and is always a dietary preference for sour lovers.


The pomelo, a huge citrus fruit found only in Southeast Asia, resembles the stature of a lemon, with the only difference between them being their sizes. It’s strikingly similar to grapefruits as it also has a  thick, pithy skin that conceals its sweet, juicy interior.

Pomelo is a popular ingredient in Asian salads because of its purported health advantages, which include easing digestive issues and decreasing cholesterol levels.

Snake fruit

Finally, snake fruit, sometimes called ‘Salak’, is an Indonesian fruit that is now widely cultivated throughout the rest of Southeast Asia. Its name and look are both inspired by its scaly, reptilian skin and thus is popularly known as snake fruit around the world.

Small, white segments with a sweet, acidic taste make up the snake fruits a common ingredient in Indonesian jams and sweets.

Asia is a veritable treasure mine of rare and unusual fruits that provide a wide variety of tastes as well as a variety of health advantages. Even though you might not be able to find these fruits in the produce section of your neighbourhood supermarket, it can be a fun and exciting experience to go on a hunt for them. These exotic fruits are definitely worth the effort as they all offer unique flavour and can be your options if you add some brilliant colours to your dish. You never know, you could just find a new go-to option that you like!

Read more: 10 Exotic Fruits That are Found Only in Asia


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